Adobe Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts

Adobe Lightroom is a widely used photo editing software across the world. Shortcuts are always helpful in any task we are performing. Let’s explore some Lightroom keyboard shortcut keys to make our lives easy and save us time.

Adobe Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts

Tip: Before we start, the generalized tip is that there is no “ctrl” button in the Macbook. But it’s alternative “Command” button is present.

Before we dive into the world of shortcuts, let’s learn how to access and customize them:

  • MacOS: Command + Option + /
  • Windows: Ctrl + Alt + /

Customizing shortcuts to suit your workflow can greatly enhance your efficiency. Now, let’s delve into the key categories of Lightroom shortcuts.

Basic Navigation and Organization Shortcuts

Crop & Rotate (C)

  • MacOS: C
  • Windows: C

Quickly access the Crop & Rotate tool, essential for framing your photos just right.

Detail (D)

  • MacOS: D
  • Windows: D

Enhance the fine details in your images with a single keystroke.

Edit (E)

  • MacOS: E
  • Windows: E

Jump straight into the Develop module for in-depth editing with the “Edit” shortcut.

Full Screen (F)

  • MacOS: F
  • Windows: F

Maximize your workspace with the “Full Screen” shortcut, eliminating distractions.

Grid (G)

  • MacOS: G
  • Windows: G

Effortlessly switch to the Grid view for quick navigation through your photo library.

Info (I)

  • MacOS: I
  • Windows: I

Retrieve detailed information about your photos using the “Info” shortcut.

Keywords (K)

  • MacOS: K
  • Windows: K

Add keywords efficiently to organize and categorize your images.

Cut (Command + X / Ctrl + X), Copy (Command + C / Ctrl + C), and Paste (Command + V / Ctrl + V)

  • MacOS: Command + X, Command + C, Command + V
  • Windows: Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V

Streamline your photo organization by cutting, copying, and pasting with ease.

Undo (Command + Z / Ctrl + Z) and Redo (Shift + Command + Z / Shift + Ctrl + Z)

  • MacOS: Command + Z and Shift + Command + Z
  • Windows: Ctrl + Z and Shift + Ctrl + Z

Correct and redo your actions effortlessly, maintaining full control over your editing process.

Additional Common Shortcuts

Minimize (Command + M / Ctrl + M)

  • MacOS: Command + M
  • Windows: Ctrl + M

Minimize Lightroom to the taskbar or dock when needed.

Auto Tone (Shift + A)

  • MacOS: Shift + A
  • Windows: Shift + A

Quickly apply an automatic tone adjustment to your images.

Edit in Photoshop (Shift + Command + E / Shift + Ctrl + E)

  • MacOS: Shift + Command + E
  • Windows: Shift + Ctrl + E

Transfer your photos seamlessly to Photoshop for advanced editing.

Rotate Left (CCW) (Command + [ / Ctrl + [) and Rotate Right (CCW) (Command + ] / Ctrl + ])

  • MacOS: Command + [ and Command + ]
  • Windows: Ctrl + [ and Ctrl + ]

Correct the orientation of your images with ease.

Zoom In (Command + = / Ctrl + =) and Zoom Out (Command + – / Ctrl + -)

  • MacOS: Command + = and Command + –
  • Windows: Ctrl + = and Ctrl + –

Inspect details or get a better overview of your photos using these shortcuts.

Select None (Shift + Command + A / Shift + Ctrl + A)

  • MacOS: Shift + Command + A
  • Windows: Shift + Ctrl + A

Deselect all photos quickly, useful when starting a new selection or project.

Paste Selected Settings (Shift + Ctrl + V / Shift + Ctrl + V)

  • MacOS: Shift + Ctrl + V
  • Windows: Shift + Ctrl + V

Apply settings from one photo to another effortlessly with this shortcut.

Preferences (Command + , / Ctrl + ,)

  • MacOS: Command + ,
  • Windows: Ctrl + ,

Customize your Lightroom experience by accessing preferences directly.

Search (Command + F / Ctrl + F)

  • MacOS: Command + F
  • Windows: Ctrl + F

Locate specific photos within your library quickly by activating the search bar.

ActionmacOS ShortcutWindows Shortcut
Crop & RotateCC
Full ScreenFF
CutCommand + XCtrl + X
CopyCommand + CCtrl + C
PasteCommand + VCtrl + V
UndoCommand + ZCtrl + Z
RedoShift + Command + ZShift + Ctrl + Z
MinimizeCommand + MCtrl + M
Auto ToneShift + AShift + A
Edit in PhotoshopShift + Command + EShift + Ctrl + E
Rotate Left (CCW)Command + [Ctrl + [
Rotate Right (CCW)Command + ]Ctrl + ]
Zoom InCommand + =Ctrl + =
Zoom OutCommand + –Ctrl + –
Select NoneShift + Command + AShift + Ctrl + A
Paste Selected SettingsShift + Ctrl + VShift + Ctrl + V
Source: Adobe

Panel and Module-Specific Shortcuts

Expand/Retract Light Panel (Command + 1 / Ctrl + 1)

Toggle the Light Panel on and off for easy access to exposure and contrast adjustments.

Expand/Retract Color Panel (Command + 2 / Ctrl + 2)

Quickly access color adjustments by toggling the Color Panel.

Expand/Retract Effects Panel (Command + 3 / Ctrl + 3)

Toggle the Effects Panel to apply post-processing effects efficiently.

Expand/Retract Details Panel (Command + 4 / Ctrl + 4)

Access the Details Panel for sharpening and noise reduction with ease.

Expand/Retract Optics Panel (Command + 5 / Ctrl + 5)

Toggle the Optics Panel to correct lens distortion and aberrations.

Expand/Retract Geometry Panel (Command + 6 / Ctrl + 6)

Effortlessly access the Geometry Panel to correct perspective and distortion.

Open Presets Panel (Shift + P / Shift + P)

Quickly access your presets for one-click editing enhancements.

Show/Hide Histogram (Command + 0 / Ctrl + 0)

Analyze your photo’s histogram for precise editing adjustments.

ActionmacOS ShortcutWindows Shortcut
Expand/Retract Light PanelCommand + 1Ctrl + 1
Expand/Retract Color PanelCommand + 2Ctrl + 2
Expand/Retract Effects PanelCommand + 3Ctrl + 3
Expand/Retract Details PanelCommand + 4Ctrl + 4
Expand/Retract Optics PanelCommand + 5Ctrl + 5
Expand/Retract Geometry PanelCommand + 6Ctrl + 6
Open Presets PanelShift + PShift + P
Show/Hide HistogramCommand + 0Ctrl + 0

Brush and Adjustment Shortcuts

Increase Brush Size ([)

  • MacOS: [
  • Windows: [

Decrease Brush Size (])

  • MacOS: ]
  • Windows: ]

Increase Brush Feather (Shift + [)

  • MacOS: Shift + [
  • Windows: Shift + [

Decrease Brush Feather (Shift + ])

  • MacOS: Shift + ]
  • Windows: Shift + ]

Adjustment Brush (B)

  • MacOS: B
  • Windows: B

Switch to the Adjustment Brush for localized edits.

Healing Brush (H)

  • MacOS: H
  • Windows: H

Switch to the Healing Brush to remove blemishes and imperfections.



These are the shortcuts I personally use in my daily work. There may be some other shortcuts. I hope you will find these Lightroom shortcuts helpful. If you still find Lightroom difficult, do check some Lightroom alternatives. And If you want to download Lightroom apk for your Mobile, safely download it from

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